Listening to Jesus

Texting Your Spouse While They Travel

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This past week I was traveling and Michelle sent me some awesome texts. They really kept me going through my week and helped me not to miss the family so much. Here are a few she sent updating me on our son, CJ.

Michelle: CJ’s new favorite word: “toiletries”
Me: How is he using it?
Michelle: Just saying it out loud and laughing. His whole class has been in trouble this week for potty words. He can’t help it. It’s all he thinks about right now.

Michelle: So excited to show this to you! He’s pretty proud. Field day!      (This one goes with the picture above.)

Michelle: Your son just used a straw to drink his cereal milk!

Of course there were other texts about our girls as well as good morning and goodnight texts. They really help me as I miss Michelle and the kids.

What about you? How do you bless your spouse as s/he travels? Share your tips in the comments section.

Hey, I’m Adam Suter. This is my personal blog. I am married to the love of my life, Michelle, and have three wonderful children. We live in Marietta, GA. I run a small nonprofit. Some of the things that fascinate me are faith, new ideas, people, stories, productivity, nonprofits, and my own children.


  • Kat Folk

    We bring stuffed animals with us and they share the business trip through their eyes.

  • Kara Myers

    Daddy often gets home after kid bedtime on Thursday so Thursday nights are for Mommy and Daddy. We have about 2-3 shows we watch together so we usually watch one or two of those and enjoy a glass of wine. Friday night though is always family night unless we have something going on. It always involves Friday Night Treat (the only night we eat sugar) and a family fun activity. The kids love it and if we ever forget or get started too late to complete both things, the kids let us hear it. <3

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