• Idea Addicts

    No Excuses: Start Impacting People Right Now

    Want to make a difference in people’s lives? Do you have a purpose you are not living out? What is stopping you? Most likely you are too young or too old. There is a good chance you don’t have enough education or you have too much education. Your job or family or current life situation is preventing you from doing something that makes a difference. Stop making excuses and start doing something. Take a risk. Jump. Go for it.

  • Work That Matters

    Start Your Platform

    Still not sure about starting an online platform? There are many reasons for starting a platform, whether you are an individual, business owner, nonprofiter or minister. These are 3 reasons why I started an online platform. 1) To Add Value to Friends, Volunteers and Donors. I have found that my platform is a great place to add value to others. From business to family to faith, my platform is where I share my important thoughts to others. My number one goal, is to add value to those I care about most, those doing life with me. I’m still learning, but I hope to continue to get better and help more…

  • Idea Addicts

    Try Batching to Increase Your Productivity

    You just got into the office. You have a busy day ahead of you. Emails to read and reply to, voicemails to respond to, projects to work on, errands to run, meetings and multiple interruptions. How are you going to get it all done? Your head is spinning, just thinking about everything you have before you. When should you do each? How do you plan out the day or week? Instead of just taking things as they come, I’d like to suggest making a plan. More importantly, try batching similar activities rather than allowing them to interfere with one another. Checking your email multiple times an hour, while working on…

  • Idea Addicts

    Go Have Coffee

    Generally speaking I am a productivity focused workaholic. I like people. I just like tasks also. Not sure if this is possible, but I think I am a task-oriented extrovert. One of my favorite things in the world is to check something off my list. However, I do recognize that people are more important than tasks AND I need people in my life. Being alone, working hard all the time, is not healthy for me…or you. I have a friend named Xander. One of my favorite things is grabbing coffee with him. Of course, I’m drinking tea, but you get the point. I enjoy “having coffee” with a lot of…

  • Work That Matters

    When Do You Teach Your Kids About Racism?

    Today we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr Day. It is important to not just let this day pass as a day off from school for kids. We must teach them about this hero from American History. My question is, when do we teach them about racism? My wife and I plan to talk to our small children about MLK Jr today, but we are still trying to decide when and what to tell them about civil rights, racism and hate. Anyone else out there asking this question? Up to this point our kids have been around many different cultures, fairly unaware of any differences between them and the other kids.…

  • Listening to Jesus

    Suicide Victim

    I am the victim. You left me. I am your lover, your brother, your kid, your niece, your grandchild, your friend. How could you do this? How could you cut your life short? I miss your smile. I miss laughing with you. I miss our fights. I miss our deep conversations. I miss…you. Did you not know you were loved? Did you not know I loved you? I still love you. What were you thinking? How could you be so selfish? How could you!?! What voices were you listening to? These voices lied to you. They said you were someone you were not. But you listened to them. You should…

  • Idea Addicts

    Dean Kamen’s Cool World

    The CBS Sunday Morning show did a story titled, Welcome to Dean Kamen’s Cool World. Kamen is a brilliant and well known inventor. He is tackling world issues like clean drinking water and helping those with disabilities. It is amazing to see the many projects he is involved in. Frankly, some of it is unbelievable. I was fascinated by his creativity, his dedication to his craft, as well as his views on capitalism and poverty. What do you think? Check out the video here. Then come back to share your thoughts in the comments section.

  • Work That Matters

    How Is Your Nonprofit Using Blogging, Social Media, eNewsletters and eAsks?

    For my nonprofit, I have been blogging and doing eNewsletters for several years. In the past 2 to 3 years, however, I have stepped up our game and added social media and the eAsk to our mix. “eAsk?” Yeah, you heard it here first. 😉 What is an “eAsk?” This is when you request funds from your donors using social media, blogging and eNewsletters. At least, that’s how I’m defining it. My question is this, “Have you been successful with an eAsk?” I am not totally convinced one should put all their eggs in the “eAsk basket.” For me only a few people per year click on my eNewsletter giving…

  • Idea Addicts

    Creativity: Blessing or Curse?

    If I received a dollar for every time I had an idea, I would be so rich I could end world hunger. “I have an idea” is pretty much my favorite phrase. There is a good chance it drives those closest to me a little crazy. Now, my kids are even starting to use this phrase, which I love! I’m not always sure if having ideas is a blessing or a curse. It is hard to focus, whether it be on a specific task or from a broader perspective. Seems like some pretty successful men and women are “idea people” but I don’t have a bunch of businesses that have…

  • Idea Addicts

    Productivity Tip: Waking Up at 3 a.m.

    As I write this post it is 4:45 a.m. I have been awake since 3:00 and probably have not used my time very well. Just wanted to share some lessons learned. I got up at 3:30 and the past hour and fifteen minutes has been used surfing the internet from one idea to another. There is nothing wrong with this in and of itself. Much of it has been work related, but at the end of it all, I don’t have anything accomplished. So next time I wake up at 3:00, I am going to try doing the following: 1) Develop a quick plan for the next few hours. 2)…

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