• Work That Matters

    Coaching with Excellence May 2015

    This past week I went to Coaching with Excellence by Dan Miller of 48Days.com, 48Days.net and 48 Days to the Work You Love. It was AMAZING! Thank you to Dan, his family and their team for putting it on. Going into the training I had 3 questions I needed answers to: 1) Is coaching for me? Yes. The answer is yes. I kind of knew this before, but I am really looking forward to it now. 2) What kind of coaching and which niche are for me? This one has been a little harder. I believe I have it but need to do some follow up. 3) What are my next steps? At…

  • Idea Addicts

    Stop Overfilling Your Cup

    What is your hot beverage of choice? Tea? Coffee? I know there are some hot chocolate drinkers out there. So, when you are pouring your wake-me-up drink each morning, do you fill it up all the way? I don’t know about you, but I do. With my tea, I will even put in more scolding hot water after I take the teabag out. I overfill it. Then I balance my cup, like I’m on a tightrope, to my chair, hoping to not spill any. Of course, nearly every time I do. It either creates a mess for me to clean up or burns my hands. Occasionally I’ll get it on…

  • Idea Addicts

    Starting Essentialism

    Well, if you have been following me long, you know that I have already started reading Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown. In fact, I just finished it over the weekend. Let me tell you, this is a great book! I typically do not finish a book unless it is a good one, but Essentialism is so good, it is going on my Reread List. This means, I plan to read it over and over throughout my life on a semi-regular basis. I see why Michael Hyatt added it to his Top 10 Favorite Books of All Time. So why did I title this post “Starting Essentialism?”…

  • Work That Matters

    One Reason Everyone Needs a Coach

    Recently I was talking with a small business owner friend of mine about coaching. He gets Executive Coaching and has really benefitted from it. The same day I attended (online) #AccelerateGiving where Andy Stanley spoke. As always, I loved what Andy had to say and took a lot of notes. I was particularly fascinated by what he said about coaching. He said, “Every leader should have a coach.” This was not a big surprise, as this was the point of the conference, to get ministry leaders into fundraising coaching. He then added the following, which has stuck with me. “You can be better than everyone in your industry without a coach.…

  • Idea Addicts

    Measuring Productivity…Not!

    I was sitting down to write a post on productivity. I have a list of books I want to eventually do reviews on. One on the list is Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand. This is a biography, not a nonfiction productivity book. I got to thinking. Is it productive to read biographies or even fiction books for that matter? Part of me thinks not. I struggle to see the direct correlation such reading has to productivity. However, just because I can’t measure, or find it hard to measure, the productivity of certain activities, this does not make them unproductive. Creativity is a product of such reading, which is not easily measured.…

  • Listening to Jesus

    Soak It In: Experiencing Death and Life

    When you have experienced the death of a loved one, you learn to appreciate those who are still alive. You are never ready to lose someone you love. It always catches you off guard, even when you are “expecting” it. The fog surrounding you as you prepare for this persons departure, prevents you from truly being ready to never again make another memory with them. So you must soak it in. The time with the ones still here. You soak it in. The laughs, the cries, the good and the bad. You soak it in. Smiles, words of encouragement, a loving touch. You soak it in. A special time of…

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