• Work That Matters

    Step 1 For Your Next Career Decision

    Whether you are looking to start a business or look for a new job, there is something you need to do first. No, do not go online looking for jobs in your area or career field. No, do not start the random business a friend has been trying to get you to look at for several years. The first step is to look inward. When you begin by looking in at yourself, you can better make decisions on where to go next. More importantly, you will know where not to go next. Here are seven questions to ask yourself. There are others, but these will get you started well. 1)…

  • Idea Addicts

    How Do You Get It All Done?

    Well, the answer is quite simple. You cannot get it all done. You have a ton of different things on your list. You are starting something new regularly. Your work places demands on you. Your loved ones are pulling at you. Then you have your own list of projects, action items and personal development goals. You cannot do it all! So don’t. Decide you are going to do less. Decide you are going to drop the good for the great. Decide you are going to do what is really needed. Two questions for you: 1) What are you telling yourself you need to do that you really don’t need to…

  • Work That Matters

    5 Realizations I’ve Had While Writing My First Book

    Whoa! It has been 2 months since I started writing my book. This is why I have posted nothing on the blog recently. Please forgive me. During this journey I have come to several realizations I’d like to share with you. Maybe these can encourage you whether you are writing a book or doing some other big project for the first time. 1) Writing the book is a very small part of the process. Especially with this being my first run at writing and publishing, there is a lot of technology and other roadblocks. I am pushing through though and will be launching in the near future. 2) Done is…

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