• Listening to Jesus

    Spiritual Life Planning

    I’m looking to make some changes. Doing some spiritual life planning. What do you do to be intentional about your spiritual growth? How are you growing closer to Jesus? What habits do you have? What spiritual disciplines are a regular part of your life? What do you read?

  • Idea Addicts

    A Trained Mind

    It is important as an Idea Addict to learn to manage your thoughts and to be able to shift from ideation to other activities and tasks that need to get done in your life. In Deep Work, Cal Newport talks about the importance of empty space (time for your mind to wander), shutting down your day and not working all the time. He ends his day with a shut down ritual. He does not work in the evenings. His laptop and devices are not part of his evening ritual. I have not implemented these boundaries in my life yet, but I think they are important and I am working towards…

  • Idea Addicts

    Evening Ritual Resources

    Ending my day well has always been a struggle. Here are some resources I found. 1) A 9-Part Nighttime Ritual 2) Evening Ritual: The 7 Things That Will Make You Happy At Night 3) Sleep and Your Productivity (Podcast and Blog) 4) 6 Strategies to Sleep Soundly, Wake Rested and Accomplish More Do you have any tips for me? Please share. 

  • Idea Addicts

    Morning Ritual Resources

    Need a little help with your mornings? Here are a few resources to check out. 1) How to Set Yourself Up for a Productive Day 2) 10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It 3) Become More Productive by Reengineering Your Morning Ritual (Podcast and Blog) 4) How to Become a Morning Person Do you have any resources? Please share. Thanks.

  • Idea Addicts

    How Do You Become An Idea Addict?

    “How do you become an Idea Addict?” Someone asked me this recently. I am an Idea Addict and am aware of the good and difficult that comes with being one. However I had never thought about helping someone become an Idea Addict. Any interest out there? Please, tell me what you are thinking. Do you need to be better at idea generation? 

  • Idea Addicts


    1) How many inboxes do you have? Email Email 2 Email 3 Twitter Instagram Facebook Multiple Facebook Groups Multiple Facebook Pages Blog Comments Texts WhatsApp GroupMe App Voicemail Evernote … If you are like me, it is probably too many. Even the ones you do not check are taking up space in your time and mind, space you could better use in other ways. 2) What if you could cut your inboxes in half?  Start with the ones you do not use. Deactivate them. Try and reduce your inboxes as much as possible. 3) Who has the fewest inboxes? How many?

  • Work That Matters


    Are you unhappy with your life? It might be personal or work related. You may feel stuck. Your poor decisions may be involved or others may have made a lot of the decisions to bring you to where you are. Or life just happened. Do not stay where you are. You can change things. Here is my TIP for you. 1) Time – “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.”— Jim Rohn 2) Information – “The difference between where you are today and where you’ll be five years from now will be found in the quality of books you’ve read.”— Jim Rohn 3) People – “You are the average of the five people…

  • Listening to Jesus

    Meditation of the Heart

    “How’s your heart?” A friend asked me this recently. He was talking in the spiritual and emotional health sense, rather than the physical. I was reading Psalm 19 this morning and it made me think of this. Have you ever noticed your heart focused on the negative, unhelpful or insignificant? This week, choose to focus your heart on things of significance. “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” ~ Psalm 19:14  

  • Idea Addicts

    Getting Up Early

    Want to get up earlier? Two secrets for you. First, go to bed earlier. There is nothing impressive about getting up early. What is impressive is someone who gets a full night’s sleep. Figure out what you need and make it a priority. Second get an accountability partner. Find someone who wants to get up at the same time as you and agree to text and/or call one another. What tips do you have for getting up earlier?

Discovery Call

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