• Work That Matters

    Nonprofits Are Bad

    Wrong! I’ve heard talk about nonprofits being bad…they do not work…they use money inappropriately. The truth is the same can be said of for-profit businesses as well, especially if you get specific. Let’s not blanket a whole industry because of some bad apples. There are many nonprofits doing amazing work. They are helping people. They are thriving financially. Nonprofits make a difference. Depending on who you are, starting a nonprofit might be a great fit. Go do it! If not, remember, you can help people in for-profit work as well.

  • Idea Addicts

    Introverts and Extroverts

    Introverts gain energy by being alone. Extroverts gain energy by being with people. I know some introverts who are excellent with people. They love people. They have deep relationships. They are able to communicate well with people one on one, in groups and from a stage. I know some introverts who are not so great with people. I know extroverts who love people and do well engaging them. I even know some extroverts who need to grow in their people skills. Energy. Friends, it is all about energy. It is not about liking or disliking people. It is not about social skills. It is about energy.

  • Idea Addicts

    Read Great Books

    A friend once shared with me that he does not have time to read good books. He only has time to read great books. The same is true for me…and for you. Stop reading just any book. Don’t even read good books. There are too many great books out there. Find them and get to reading.

  • Work That Matters

    Deciding On A Career

    Having trouble making a decision on a clear career path? Wanting to change careers? Job Searching If you are hunting for a job, there is one significant barrier to you finding the job of your dreams, work that matters. How are you going to get your resume to stand out from the other 200 resumes and job applicants applying for the same position? Start a Business If you are an entrepreneur, wanting to start your own business, there is one significant roadblock to you creating work that matters, that makes a difference in the world. You are trying to go in multiple directions at the same time. This will keep…

  • Work That Matters

    The Lonely Nonprofiter

    Are you a lonely nonprofiter? Feel like you are doing it all on your own? Maybe you have volunteers, but you still feel exhausted and alone. You need help. You need people to step up with their time. You need people to give not just their time but their money too. I have been there. It can be really tough. Let me help. Two things. First, do you know what you would have someone do if they were available 5-10 hours a month, or possibly even 5-10 hours a week? Once you can say “yes” to this, make sure you cast vision by painting a picture of what it would look like to…

  • Work That Matters

    Mom Power

    Moms are amazing. They mold and make us into who we are. Moms love when no one else loves. Moms forgive. Some moms get to birth children. Others adopt them…or pick them up along the way. All moms make a difference. I am super grateful for my mom. We get to live and work together. The memories we are making as a family are so wonderful. I’m also honored to be married to a great mom. The way she loves on and points our kids to Jesus is awesome. What is one thing you love about your mom? Please share. Then go tell her. 

  • Work That Matters

    What Makes You Angry?

    Pay attention to what makes you angry. When it comes to doing work that matters, that which makes you angry can be a key indicator of which direction you should go in. On whose behalf do you get angry? Perhaps you should start doing something for these people. Get angry. Then go do something about it.

  • Listening to Jesus

    Hearing God’s Voice

    A friend once shared with me that God was calling him to move across the country and go to seminary. I responded by asking him, “What is her name?” He then told me the name of the girl he was interested in. There is a skepticism to the idea of hearing God’s voice. At least for me, I struggle a bit with the concept, both in my life and when I hear others talk about hearing from God. Can God speak so specifically to us? Does God want to speak directly to us? No matter our background view on this subject, we must learn to align our views with Scripture, rather…

  • Work That Matters

    What Is Your Superpower?

    What is that thing that you do extremely well? When others think about you, they think about how awesome you are at this. Despite life circumstances… Despite busy times in life… Despite overwhelm… You find yourself using this Superpower. Pay attention to it. Use it. Find ways to use it for free. Find ways to get paid to use it. Do not let other giftings take the place of you using this Superpower. Use your Superpower.

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