Listening to Jesus

Beginning With Jesus

The first thing I remember about Jesus is the gigantic painting of him hanging in my Irish Catholic grandparent’s living room. It was the bleeding heart Jesus. Do you know that one?

The second thing I remember about Jesus involved spending time with Sister Austin, a retired nun who lived at the convent where my grandmother worked. When I visited my grandparents, she would take care of me for a few hours while my grandmother finished the end of her workday. This is how my journey with Jesus began.

Up and down the halls we would go. Around the beautiful acreage we would stroll. We would pray. She would introduce me to all of her friends. She would talk. She would listen. I don’t remember any one conversation. I just remember how she made me feel.

Many people do not have a good first encounter with Jesus. Meeting the people who follow him sometimes leaves them wondering at best, scarred at worst. The result is a negative view of Jesus and all he has to offer. It makes it hard to consider Jesus as a Savior, Lord or even Friend. They remember feeling hurt and alone.

I remember ice cream, orange sherbet usually. My time with Sister Austin made me feel loved. There was peace and excitement in our interactions. They are a collection of happy memories. While this may seem small or insignificant, these adventures set me on a course toward a loving, accepting, involved, interested Jesus.

Perhaps your first memory of Jesus was not a good one. I’m sorry if a church person messed that up for you. We do that sometimes. I pray you get to have a new encounter with Jesus. I ask God to give you new memories…happy, joyful and peaceful ones. May you connect with the Jesus who loves you, accepts you and cares about every area of your life.

Hey, I’m Adam Suter. This is my personal blog. I am married to the love of my life, Michelle, and have three wonderful children. We live in Marietta, GA. I run a small nonprofit. Some of the things that fascinate me are faith, new ideas, people, stories, productivity, nonprofits, and my own children.

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