• Work That Matters

    Starting a Nonprofit: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

    Nonprofit work is truly amazing. It is hard. It is fun. It is rewarding. It is exhausting. Nonprofit work is worth doing. If you are wanting to start a nonprofit, there are a handful of things to consider as you get started. Yes, there are a million things to work on when you get ready for the details. First, consider the big picture. Here are 5 questions to help prepare you for the nonprofit journey. Why are you starting a nonprofit? Who are you going to serve? What is your vision? Who is going to join you? When is this going to happen? Why are you starting a nonprofit? There…

  • Work That Matters

    What Have You Learned About Community?

    During the Coronavirus Crisis these last three months, I have learned a lot about community. For example, I’ve noticed that during social isolation, about half the people I talk to are experiencing greater community. Also, I have found introverts (people who get energy by being alone) who are thriving socially, as well as introverts who are struggling. Extroverts (people who get energy by being with people) are similar. Some are thriving under social isolation and others are hurting. These observations are all very interesting to me. What about you? What have you learned about community these last 3 months? Please share below.

  • Work That Matters

    Homeschool: Raising Jerks

    Well, this isn’t directly related to homeschooling, but I ran across an article recently and have to share. Fair warning, parents, this is going to sting a little. I’m pretty sure I agree with every statement though. We definitely have some things to work on even though our kids aren’t jerks yet. 🙂 Take a look at the article, How to Raise a Jerk by Reggie Joiner. I love the closing question, “How would you set out to raise a jerk?” Please share your answer below.

  • Work That Matters

    Homeschool: Multiple Ages

    Okay, parents, I’ll just let you know. You aren’t going to love this. I’ll just confess now, it wasn’t me who first said what I’m about to say. So if you do end up liking it, I don’t get credit. In the more likely event that you hate it…it wasn’t me. How do you homeschool with multiple ages? That’s the million dollar question. Especially when you have a toddler running around, this can seem impossible. How are you suppose to take care of a little one while also helping the older ones get through math, language arts, history and science? I was at a conference on homeschooling with my wife.…

  • Work That Matters

    Homeschool: First-Timer Ideas

    A friend who is homeschooling for the first time shared some ideas that are helping his family manage this new reality. Like many, he and his wife are working and homeschooling. They have two primary requirements for each day. Finish School Work Finish Chores After these, they then have added, to keep themselves and their children sane… One Hour of Reading One Hour Outside One Hour Creating The one hour of reading is outside of school work. Let them find something they love and go at it. The one hour of creating, could be anything. My friend mentioned learning to play the guitar, painting, whatever kind of creativity that sparks…

  • Work That Matters

    Homeschool: Raising Readers

    One of the best things we can do as parents is to plant in our kids a love for reading. After all, reading is foundational for all other types of education. It is the building block on which everything else is built. Two things, before we continue. First, learning to read is not the same thing as loving to read or identifying as a Reader. I have known how to read for decades but only recently became a Reader. Second, no, you do not have to homeschool to raise Readers. Our family loves homeschooling, but it is not for everyone. This is fine. However, since you are homeschooling right now,…

  • Work That Matters

    April Series

    Over the past week I shared these initial reactions on the Coronavirus: Decide to Change Forever Essential and Extra What Is God’s Will For My Life? A Better Response Now that we are in lockdown for another month, I plan to write a series of posts on the following themes: Listen – This continues to be a season of slowing down for many. The opportunity to be still and know God is God is huge. I hope to give little bits of encouragement as you pursue Jesus on a daily basis. If we can all silence our fears and focus on God, great things will happen. May you find opportunities…

  • Work That Matters

    Coronavirus 3: What Is God’s Will For My Life?

    If you are like a lot of people, this season is causing a lot of chaos in your life, particularly around your work. It is interesting. In some ways we have less to do. In other ways, the work can seem overwhelming. You may be struggling with identity questions. It may start with “What am I going to do?” Later it turns into “Who am I?” The lack of security in your work can lead to a struggle for purpose. Then you come to the big question! God, what is your will for my life? If you are a person of faith, this can be a necessary question. You need…

  • Work That Matters

    2 Questions to Identify Your Work That Matters

    Remember, you can choose to do work that matters. Once you have chosen to make this essential in your life, rather than just an extra, you will need to identify your work that matters. Two questions can help you on this journey, whether you are at the beginning or in a time of transition. If money were no object, what would you do? This may be one you have heard before. It is popular and somewhat cliche, but it is also true. Money often times clouds our judgement. Really sitting down and considering this question can help you identify passions and opportunities just right for you. What makes you angry?…

  • Work That Matters

    Choose Work That Matters

    Most people spend their entire life never doing work that matters. They hate their job. It may provide for them, but it is lacking in at least three areas: It is not their passion. It keeps them so busy they cannot pursue their passion. It does not allow them to make a difference in the world. It is possible to do work you love. It is possible to be passionate about your job. You can do something that changes the world. It is a choice. Most people believe this is an extra rather than essential. Spend some time watching people who are not passionate about their work. See how this…

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