• Idea Addicts

    My 3 Favorite Questions

    I believe it is important to be a learner, to be curious and to go deep with others. Here are my 3 favorite questions, great for personal reflection, a new acquaintance and an old friend. What are you passionate about? What is your story? What has God been telling you? Do you have a favorite question? Please share below.

  • Work That Matters

    What Have You Learned About Community?

    During the Coronavirus Crisis these last three months, I have learned a lot about community. For example, I’ve noticed that during social isolation, about half the people I talk to are experiencing greater community. Also, I have found introverts (people who get energy by being alone) who are thriving socially, as well as introverts who are struggling. Extroverts (people who get energy by being with people) are similar. Some are thriving under social isolation and others are hurting. These observations are all very interesting to me. What about you? What have you learned about community these last 3 months? Please share below.

  • Work That Matters

    Read This Book: Tribe

    Every once in awhile, you read a book that sticks with you. Perhaps at the time you like it (or not) but you do not expect it to continue to permeate your thoughts or impact your life. Then, it does! It keeps coming to your mind and you even make some life choices because of it. Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastian Junger continues to influence me to this day. The book speaks of community and purpose like no other book I have read. It has left a lasting hunger in me to pursue these. Junger makes a strong case for the devastating side-effects when our lives are void…

  • Idea Addicts

    Boundaries Are Your Friend

    We hate boundaries. We need boundaries. I’m a recovering people pleaser. I struggle with boundaries. It is very hard for me to say “no” to people. I feel guilty saying “no” and I feel like I need to solve all the world’s problems. Do you struggle with this? Do you try and always say “yes” to your work, your boss, your pastor, your family? We cannot do it all. Healthy boundaries are a must. Not everyone should get a voice at all times into your life and your decisions. Do not allow those most important to you to be out-voiced by others. Also, unhealthy people should not be making decisions for you.…

  • Idea Addicts

    Don’t Live Alone

    This post is not directly connected to my previous post Feeling Alone? Decrease Your Circles. I’m not suggesting you don’t live alone because you might be lonely, or as an option for you. I think, in general, we are not met to live alone. Think about it. When in history has one lived alone? You literally couldn’t for survival purposes. I think there is more to it than that though. We are wired for community. We are met to live in community. Living alone, among other things, leads us to getting our way in everything. I want my way just like everyone else, but this is not very helpful for…

  • Idea Addicts

    Feeling Alone? Decrease Your Circles

    Are you lonely? Surrounded by people, but you still feel alone? I’ve found this to be an epidemic in our culture. We hunger for community but can’t seem to find it. What is the solution? I’m not totally sure, but I think I know one significant contributor to the problem. We have too many circles. We go to work in one part of town. Then we live in another part of town. Then we play, church, workout, etc in other parts of town. In each of these you and I create circles of relationships. The problem is that none of these circles overlap. People know us in only one context, which leaves us…

  • Work That Matters

    I’d Like A Little Conflict

    Okay. Not really. No one wants conflict. Like everyone else, I prefer to avoid conflict. It makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it. However, in newer relationships, I have to admit, that I get a little excited when I see conflict raising its ugly head. Why? Because conflict will either draw two people together or push them apart. I know. It is easier to avoid it. This feels safe. But I have come to find that … and this is really the key… …you are not close to anyone with whom you have not had conflict. Think about it. Who are the people you are closest to? Have you gone…

  • Work That Matters


    Being an Idea Addict, one of my favorite things to do is dream. “I have an idea” is a regular phrase my wife hears. For me, dreaming is my favorite pastime. It is a core part of my day, week, life, work and family life. Whether you love to dream or struggle with it, I think there are two key factors to stimulating the dreaming and ideation process. 1) Personal Development 2) Community Let’s begin with Personal Development. What are you reading? If you want to grow, you need to be intentional with what you put into your mind. What are you watching? What are you listening to? Jim Rohn…

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