• Idea Addicts

    How Do You Change A Habit? Step 1, Read This Book!

    “Every habit can be changed.” – Charles Duhigg Do you believe it? I heard Charles Duhigg speak and he said these words. It seems crazy, I know. Here’s another… “Researchers have found willpower is the single greatest corollary to future success.” Duhigg went on to say that willpower can be taught and developed. If this is true, what is the potential for you? How about for your children? Habits Rule This book helped me to see that habits rule my life. They rule your life too. Of course, I had this sense already, but didn’t realize the far reaching impact of habits on me, those around me and society. I…

  • Work That Matters

    Fake Charities

    You are preparing your taxes. All of your documents are in order. You grab you year-end charitable contribution documents and include them as well. Are all of your donations tax-deductible? “Of course, I’ve been giving to such and such organization for years.” Unfortunately, this does not guarantee they are (or ever were) a 501(c)3 nonprofit. You should check. If you need help navigating Select Check, I give instructions in #3 here. Of course you should always check any new organization you are giving to. Be aware that various scams exist. The IRS lays out a few of these scams in Fake Charities Among the IRS “Dirty Dozen” List of Tax…

  • Idea Addicts

    Getting Started: How To Structure Your Evernote

    When I first started considering Evernote, I did some research. I looked at other products and also considered how I might structure Evernote. My fear was getting going and then later wanting to change the structure, but already having too much in place and thus being stuck. In my search for the best way to structure my Evernote, I ran across three blog posts by David M. Ward, a Lawyer who writes on marketing and productivity. Although he has a niche, in the law community, you will find his information very helpful. The posts that helped me with my structure are a bit dated now. Evernote has added much since…

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