• Work That Matters

    Starting a Nonprofit: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

    Nonprofit work is truly amazing. It is hard. It is fun. It is rewarding. It is exhausting. Nonprofit work is worth doing. If you are wanting to start a nonprofit, there are a handful of things to consider as you get started. Yes, there are a million things to work on when you get ready for the details. First, consider the big picture. Here are 5 questions to help prepare you for the nonprofit journey. Why are you starting a nonprofit? Who are you going to serve? What is your vision? Who is going to join you? When is this going to happen? Why are you starting a nonprofit? There…

  • Idea Addicts


    That is what we must do. Just ask. One child is afraid to hear “no,” so they do not ask. A second child is not afraid to hear “no,” so they ask. Sometimes the second child gets two popsicles. Whether you are talking to a friend, boss, stranger, customer, donor or loved one–even God–if you want something, ask. You do not have because you do not ask.

  • Work That Matters

    Funding Your Nonprofit Is All About One Thing

    People don’t give to projects. People don’t give to organizations. People give to people. Specifically, people give to people they know, love and trust. If you want your nonprofit, ministry or church to thrive financially, you must do one thing. All of the training around raising funds centers around this one thing. If you are doing all the updates, newsletters, social media posts, phone calls, and meetings but not accomplishing this, you need to start over. It all comes down to this… Are you building trust?  All of the different strategies are geared to do this. If your strategies are not building trust, then you need to come up with…

  • Work That Matters

    Nonprofits Are Bad

    Wrong! I’ve heard talk about nonprofits being bad…they do not work…they use money inappropriately. The truth is the same can be said of for-profit businesses as well, especially if you get specific. Let’s not blanket a whole industry because of some bad apples. There are many nonprofits doing amazing work. They are helping people. They are thriving financially. Nonprofits make a difference. Depending on who you are, starting a nonprofit might be a great fit. Go do it! If not, remember, you can help people in for-profit work as well.

  • Work That Matters

    The Lonely Nonprofiter

    Are you a lonely nonprofiter? Feel like you are doing it all on your own? Maybe you have volunteers, but you still feel exhausted and alone. You need help. You need people to step up with their time. You need people to give not just their time but their money too. I have been there. It can be really tough. Let me help. Two things. First, do you know what you would have someone do if they were available 5-10 hours a month, or possibly even 5-10 hours a week? Once you can say “yes” to this, make sure you cast vision by painting a picture of what it would look like to…

  • Work That Matters

    Only Nonprofits Help People

    Wrong! Some people think, “If I want to make a difference in the world, I must start a nonprofit.” (or work for one) This just is not the case. There are loads of for-profit businesses who do work that matters. They make a difference in the lives of their clients and their employees. I know many businesses that genuinely care about more than just making a profit. Consider the impact you want to make and on whom. Then decide what type of business best fits you.

  • Work That Matters

    Idea Addict Nonprofiters

    If you are one of these, you are probably trying to save the world. You want to make a difference. You want to do work that matters. You have tons of ideas and probably are good at many things. Going in multiple directions at once doesn’t work. I call this Vision ADD. How do you decide on a clear direction? I’d love to help you. Grab a copy of my book Vision ADD: From Ideas to Work That Matters.

  • Work That Matters

    When Should I Start My Business?

    When is the best time to launch your business? NOW! What are you waiting for? No more excuses. Get in the Game! I know. You have all kinds of reasons to wait. You are waiting to see if that one thing is going to work out. You are holding out, while the stars align. At some point, real soon, the timing is going to be just right when your finances, availability, passion, partners, education and knowledge of the market all come together in some landmark perfect launch. Guess what? You are waiting on a miracle. You need to get going now. Here are 5 benefits to starting now. 1) Side income.…

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