Work That Matters

Starting a Nonprofit: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Nonprofit work is truly amazing. It is hard. It is fun. It is rewarding. It is exhausting. Nonprofit work is worth doing.

If you are wanting to start a nonprofit, there are a handful of things to consider as you get started. Yes, there are a million things to work on when you get ready for the details. First, consider the big picture.

Here are 5 questions to help prepare you for the nonprofit journey.

  1. Why are you starting a nonprofit?
  2. Who are you going to serve?
  3. What is your vision?
  4. Who is going to join you?
  5. When is this going to happen?

Why are you starting a nonprofit? There are many reasons people start nonprofits. Some are good. Many are not. It is important to be honest with yourself here. The answer to this question will set the stage for everything else you do. Whatever you may say, the true answer will become apparent as you move through the process.

Who are you going to serve? All nonprofits have a “who” they are called to serve. Who is your audience, client or person in need. Plan to learn all you can about them. Never stop learning about your people.

What is your vision? Where are you going? How are you going to get there? The vision of your nonprofit will determine the course of your nonprofit. It will answer many questions along the way. Your vision helps you say no to the many good options so you can say yes to the one great opportunity.

Who is going to join you? There are many types and sizes of nonprofits. All of them need a team of people behind them. These include a board of directors, a team–many times volunteers–and donors. Even the solopreneur small nonprofits have these. Coaches play an essential role in the life of a nonprofit. You don’t know everything and a coach can help you get from where you are to where you need to be.

When is this going to happen? “One day” is not an actual day. Decide when you are going to make this a reality. Get an accountability team and a coach behind you to keep you focused and on track. Stay determined.

You can do this. The life of a nonprofiter is awesome. It is worth it.

Prepare. Work hard. Enjoying doing work that matters.

Hey, I’m Adam Suter. This is my personal blog. I am married to the love of my life, Michelle, and have three wonderful children. We live in Marietta, GA. I run a small nonprofit. Some of the things that fascinate me are faith, new ideas, people, stories, productivity, nonprofits, and my own children.

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