Work That Matters

Homeschool: Multiple Ages

Okay, parents, I’ll just let you know. You aren’t going to love this. I’ll just confess now, it wasn’t me who first said what I’m about to say. So if you do end up liking it, I don’t get credit. In the more likely event that you hate it…it wasn’t me.

How do you homeschool with multiple ages?

That’s the million dollar question. Especially when you have a toddler running around, this can seem impossible. How are you suppose to take care of a little one while also helping the older ones get through math, language arts, history and science?

I was at a conference on homeschooling with my wife. It had been 3 amazing days of a great content. Our heads were full of ideas and our hearts full of passion to end the year well and continue another year of homeschooling.

For this last session, we were split up. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was going to listen to one of the biggest names of the conference. She was (and still is) a legend in the homeschool world. Also, she is a veteran homeschool mom of six kids.

She was giving her talk and wowing the crowd. She really was good. Then she got to the “issue” of parenting multiple ages. She could relate. She has six kids, including young twins. She knows how hard it can be.

Her solution was half a mind shift and half practical. She simply said, “The problem is the solution.” Little kids are not the problem. They are the solution. She suggested having older kids help with the younger kids.

For example, an older kid can take a toddler off and read to them. This is good for a homeschooling parent, of course. It is great for the toddler because they are getting quality time with their big brother or sister, as well as a great story. However, it is also really good for the older sibling. Think about what changes in a person’s education when they get involved in teaching.

That’s it. Probably didn’t like it. I know. Sit on it for a couple of days and let me know what you think. Please direct all hate mail to Sarah Mackenzie, author of The Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your Kids and Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace.

Hey, I’m Adam Suter. This is my personal blog. I am married to the love of my life, Michelle, and have three wonderful children. We live in Marietta, GA. I run a small nonprofit. Some of the things that fascinate me are faith, new ideas, people, stories, productivity, nonprofits, and my own children.

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