Listening to Jesus

Listen: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

Not long ago, if you had asked me what a spiritual discipline is and how many are there, I would have given you a pretty short answer. “Well, it is a way to connect with God. There is Scripture, prayer, going to church and…. Some people fast.”

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us ...

Yeah, that was about all I had. Then a friend gave me this amazing resource on spiritual disciplines called the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Calhoun. It has like 50 spiritual disciplines to learn about and practice.

I’ll give you the same advice my friend gave me. Don’t try and read the book through. Each discipline is about 3-4 pages. Check out the table of contents and pick one to try. Then go do it!

This book has been an indispensable gift for me on my walk with Jesus. I have given it away to several friends. It is great for individuals, small groups or even congregations. You can use it daily, weekly, or for special occasions (like retreats or holidays). I hope you will find this to be a treasure for your journey with Jesus.

If you don’t mind sharing, what is your favorite spiritual discipline?

Hey, I’m Adam Suter. This is my personal blog. I am married to the love of my life, Michelle, and have three wonderful children. We live in Marietta, GA. I run a small nonprofit. Some of the things that fascinate me are faith, new ideas, people, stories, productivity, nonprofits, and my own children.

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