• Idea Addicts

    Active Gratefulness

    An acquaintance and I were talking about our Thanksgivings yesterday. The conversation went deep quickly. He talked about having multiple families at his house for the holidays. Around the Thanksgiving table, they began to talk about what they were thankful for. My friend encouraged the table to move beyond “passive gratefulness,” the obvious things we are thankful for (a beautiful sky, a nice day), to push into “active gratefulness,” where you have to work a little harder. He explained to me that “active gratefulness” includes seeing the good even in bad times. It requires work on our part to see these things. We talked about how it is interesting that two people can have…

  • Idea Addicts

    Use Your Words

    Person A: “Umm, I’m not sure he understands.” Person B: “Oh, he doesn’t understand.” Person A: “What?! How do you know?” Person B: “Have you told him what you are thinking?” Person A: “Well, no, but…” Person B: “Then he doesn’t understand.” Remember, no one can read your mind. If you do not open your mouth and communicate, then people do not know what you are thinking, how you are feeling, what your expectations are, or what you want or need. This is true with your spouse. This is true with your friends. This is true with your co-workers. This is true at church. This is true at home. This…

  • Idea Addicts

    Community is Awkward

    Today I’d like to start a conversation on “community.” I say “start” because I know this is a tough subject and no one is going to be changing their stance or current circumstances after one blog post. Recently I was participating in a particular event with church people. We were being asked to do some touchy-feely stuff, the kind of group activity that makes many stay away from church people. Just saying. I don’t really remember the point of the exercise (I know, I’m a bad Christian), but towards the end we found ourselves locking arms with the people next to us. Lucky for me, on one side was my wife and…

  • Idea Addicts

    Go Deep

    Perhaps you are making decisions on what to do with your charitable giving. You are trying to decide whether to give four people/organizations $25 per month or to give one organization $100 per month. Go Deep. Give the one organization $100 per month. It will make a greater impact. Your schedule is full. You are having to decide between spending more time with one person or group of people verses finally getting together with three others that have been trying to get on your schedule. Go Deep. Spend more time developing deeper relationships, and say no to a bunch of new superficial ones. You have a bunch of stuff to…

  • Idea Addicts

    Rest, Work and Relationships

    These 3 areas of life are important to your productivity. They will propel you forward or hold you back if you let any one of them take priority over the others. If you rest too much, you may have time for relationships, but you will not be able to provide for your own needs. Not to mention the impending cycle of depression that will then keep you from working. You do not want to go down this road! If you spend too much time on relationships, at the expense of work or rest, again you are headed somewhere you don’t want to go. I do not know anyone who has…

  • Work That Matters

    You are Wrong!

    When I was a kid, every once in awhile, my dad would say something that would stick with me. I don’t know if he realized it at the time, but some of those lines and stories would become foundational to me. He probably wasn’t thinking so at the time. Recently I had the opportunity to share some wisdom with my son. Realizing the potential impact on his life, I decided to be intentional, to stop him and make sure he really heard me. I don’t remember the backstory but I had said something to CJ and reality turned out to be different. He found me and started repeating, “Daddy, you…

  • Idea Addicts

    Stop Overfilling Your Cup

    What is your hot beverage of choice? Tea? Coffee? I know there are some hot chocolate drinkers out there. So, when you are pouring your wake-me-up drink each morning, do you fill it up all the way? I don’t know about you, but I do. With my tea, I will even put in more scolding hot water after I take the teabag out. I overfill it. Then I balance my cup, like I’m on a tightrope, to my chair, hoping to not spill any. Of course, nearly every time I do. It either creates a mess for me to clean up or burns my hands. Occasionally I’ll get it on…

  • Work That Matters

    2 Tips for Living with Extended Family

    Next month marks one year of living together as an extended family of 6 with my Mom. I have to say it has been pretty cool. My Mom and I work together from home as well. Not sure if there are very many of you out there interested in this topic. Does it even have a name? Anyways, I wanted to put it out there for you and I can write more on it if you are interested. Two quick tips: 1) Communication – As with all relationships, and especially those in your home, communication is key. If you aren’t good at communication, you need to do something about it. Of course,…

  • Idea Addicts

    Go Have Coffee

    Generally speaking I am a productivity focused workaholic. I like people. I just like tasks also. Not sure if this is possible, but I think I am a task-oriented extrovert. One of my favorite things in the world is to check something off my list. However, I do recognize that people are more important than tasks AND I need people in my life. Being alone, working hard all the time, is not healthy for me…or you. I have a friend named Xander. One of my favorite things is grabbing coffee with him. Of course, I’m drinking tea, but you get the point. I enjoy “having coffee” with a lot of…

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