• Idea Addicts

    A Trained Mind

    It is important as an Idea Addict to learn to manage your thoughts and to be able to shift from ideation to other activities and tasks that need to get done in your life. In Deep Work, Cal Newport talks about the importance of empty space (time for your mind to wander), shutting down your day and not working all the time. He ends his day with a shut down ritual. He does not work in the evenings. His laptop and devices are not part of his evening ritual. I have not implemented these boundaries in my life yet, but I think they are important and I am working towards…

  • Idea Addicts

    Morning Ritual Resources

    Need a little help with your mornings? Here are a few resources to check out. 1) How to Set Yourself Up for a Productive Day 2) 10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It 3) Become More Productive by Reengineering Your Morning Ritual (Podcast and Blog) 4) How to Become a Morning Person Do you have any resources? Please share. Thanks.

  • Idea Addicts


    1) How many inboxes do you have? Email Email 2 Email 3 Twitter Instagram Facebook Multiple Facebook Groups Multiple Facebook Pages Blog Comments Texts WhatsApp GroupMe App Voicemail Evernote … If you are like me, it is probably too many. Even the ones you do not check are taking up space in your time and mind, space you could better use in other ways. 2) What if you could cut your inboxes in half?  Start with the ones you do not use. Deactivate them. Try and reduce your inboxes as much as possible. 3) Who has the fewest inboxes? How many?

  • Idea Addicts

    Getting Up Early

    Want to get up earlier? Two secrets for you. First, go to bed earlier. There is nothing impressive about getting up early. What is impressive is someone who gets a full night’s sleep. Figure out what you need and make it a priority. Second get an accountability partner. Find someone who wants to get up at the same time as you and agree to text and/or call one another. What tips do you have for getting up earlier?

  • Idea Addicts

    Snowpocalypse Plans

    Snowpocalypse 2017 is about to hit tonight. What are your plans for the next few days? There is not a wrong answer to this question, but being intentional is key. In addition to playing in the snow with my kids, here are some other options I have considered. What are you thinking? 1) Rest, Play Games and Watch Movies. An excellent option. If one is sick, this is what you should do. 2) Quarterly Offsite. If you haven’t had a chance to set goals for the quarter, now is a great time. Spend your snowpocalypse preparing for the next 90 days. 3) Inside Projects. Get that thing done you have…

  • Idea Addicts

    Fear and Margin

    As I looked down at my newly brewed cup of tea this morning, I noticed that I had not filled up my cup. There was plenty of room for more tea. Sure, I would not spill it. This is the advantage of margin. Things do not get out of control. Life does not spill over and burn you. On the other hand, I would be missing out on two to three sips of my precious tea. This fear of missing out (FOMO) nearly led me to fill up my cup. Had I done so, I would have had to either carefully and slowly transported the tea OR (and yes, we…

  • Idea Addicts

    Escape Overwhelm! My TIP for You.

    Are you overwhelmed? Making decisions as an Idea Addict is difficult. Whether it be in starting a business, starting your year, or starting your day, I have a TIP for you. TIP stands for time, information and people. It is my method for how I do for one what I wish I could do for all. When it comes to being overwhelmed, normally one or more of these areas of my life have gotten out of control. Have you ever had this happen? Your project load has expanded beyond what is reasonable. You are given more books than you can possibly read. The list of people you “need” to meet…

  • Idea Addicts

    Get The Most Out Of Catalyst

    One of the highlights of my year is attending the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta. As I look back, the themes that stand out to me are Be Present (several years ago) and Awaken the Wonder (2015). I am excited about the 2016 Catalyst! If you are an Idea Addict like me, Catalyst inspires you and propels you forward in you life and work. The ideas, quotes, stories and connections are AMAZING! However, sometimes when I go to a big conference, I get overwhelmed by all the ideas. They can be crippling and I get paralyzed with what to actually do with all of them. This is why I’ve created my 10…

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