• Idea Addicts

    Changing Habits Starts in Your Mind: Think Intentionally

    Do you have a habit you want to break? Do you ever get distracted by thoughts that lead you down a path you don’t really want to take? Do your thoughts lead to actions you regret? Poor choices begin as poor thoughts. If you want to change habits, you must learn to shift your thinking when you are tempted down an unhelpful, unproductive or destructive path. It starts in your head. Think Intentionally/Thought Management You must decide in advance which thoughts are going to rule you for this day. You must make a choice to manage your thoughts rather than letting them boss you around. You will rule them or…

  • Idea Addicts

    Read with Me: Essentialism by Greg McKeown

    I just listened to an amazing podcast. Last week Michael Hyatt and Michele Cushatt interviewed Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, on the This Is Your Life podcast. Go here to listen to this podcast episode.  This interview was so good, I plan to listen to it on at least an annual basis to refocus me on the things I really need to be doing. Here are some of the notes I took. 1) Don’t be busy and unproductive. 2) What do I need to do and what do I need to stop doing? The first part here is the most important. What is essential? Everything else is…

  • Idea Addicts

    The New Version of GTD is Out!

    What is GTD? It stands for Getting Things Done and it is a book about productivity by David Allen. More than just a book, it is a methodology for how to live a productive life. If your life is anything like mine, your list of to do items includes things like change the lightbulb in the kitchen, write up that report at work, make plans for vacation, prep study for church, call those 5 people when I get to the office, etc. GTD helps you get your life in order so you can get those things (everything) done. Originally written in 2001, the old version, while quite amazing, incorporates technology…

  • Work That Matters,  Idea Addicts,  Listening to Jesus


    “Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.” ~ Proverbs‬ ‭24‬:‭27‬ Into the agricultural society this passage was spoken into, the meaning was clear. Focus on the first things first. Do not become distracted by the comfortable in exchange for the necessities. As with this audience, the same is true today. Work is important for us. It gives us purpose. We all need to be needed. Our work provides purpose for us. Rest is also important though. The verse above does not tell us to build our house whenever we get around to it. Rhythms of rest are important for us to…

  • Idea Addicts

    How Do You Change A Habit? Step 1, Read This Book!

    “Every habit can be changed.” – Charles Duhigg Do you believe it? I heard Charles Duhigg speak and he said these words. It seems crazy, I know. Here’s another… “Researchers have found willpower is the single greatest corollary to future success.” Duhigg went on to say that willpower can be taught and developed. If this is true, what is the potential for you? How about for your children? Habits Rule This book helped me to see that habits rule my life. They rule your life too. Of course, I had this sense already, but didn’t realize the far reaching impact of habits on me, those around me and society. I…

  • Idea Addicts

    Getting Started: How To Structure Your Evernote

    When I first started considering Evernote, I did some research. I looked at other products and also considered how I might structure Evernote. My fear was getting going and then later wanting to change the structure, but already having too much in place and thus being stuck. In my search for the best way to structure my Evernote, I ran across three blog posts by David M. Ward, a Lawyer who writes on marketing and productivity. Although he has a niche, in the law community, you will find his information very helpful. The posts that helped me with my structure are a bit dated now. Evernote has added much since…

  • Idea Addicts

    2015 Goals

    How are those goals going for 2015? Great?! Well, awesome. Keep it up. Not great? I understand. Two questions for you… 1) What went wrong? 2) What are you going to do about it? I know, life happened. I know, you have been sick. It’s okay, but it’s also time to get back to it. Write down your goals again and jump back in. You can do it!

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