• Idea Addicts

    What To Do When You Wake Up At 2:00 AM

    Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night? About once or twice a month, I wake up and cannot go back to sleep. Now before you start recommending medication to me, let me just say, I am not complaining. Actually, I look forward to these times. Some of my best ideas come when I cannot sleep. Typically it involves about three hours of heightened energy, ideas, and focus. The best part is I am able to do whatever I want free of interruptions. If you ever have this happen to you, perhaps the following ideas will be helpful for you. These are 5 things you can do…

  • Idea Addicts

    One Way My Wife Says I Have Improved My Work-Life Balance

    It is difficult for me to have work-life balance.  I find it hard to manage the 24 hours I am given during the day between my home life and work life.  When I am at work, I feel guilty for not being at home.  When I am at home, I know I should be working. This situation is compounded by the nature of my work.  Three factors in particular add to the problem: I do not go into an office.  So my work and home life interact with one another on a daily basis. My work happens in and outside of the 8-5 work week.  It is very common for…

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