• Work That Matters

    10 Ways to Know You Are An Idea Addict

    Wondering if you are an Idea Addict. I can help you out. #1 Ideas are your drug of choice. I absolutely love a new idea. The feeling of euphoria. The possibilities! A great idea is a huge motivator, encourager and stimulant for me. Do not judge. #2 You play the dream game. In my family, it was a common occurrence to suddenly think of an alternative life we would enjoy living. “Wouldn’t it be fun to live in Paris and run a coffee shop?” “Oh that would be fun, how would we do that? Let’s talk about it!” And then in the next sentence, “We should move to Africa and…

  • Work That Matters

    Launch Day! Grab My Book! (FREE October 1-5)

    [button link=”http://amzn.to/2dENDpy” size=”large” color=”red” window=”yes”]GET A FREE COPY![/button] Are you an Idea Addict? Do your ideas ever overrun your life? More importantly, are your many ideas keeping you from moving forward vocationally? If you are starting a business, but struggling to decide on which business to start, Vision ADD: From Ideas to Work That Matters will help guide you on your path. The purpose of this book is to help you move in a clear direction. You will decide on a business to move forward with, develop a plan and take action. [button link=”http://amzn.to/2dENDpy” size=”large” color=”red” window=”yes”]GET A FREE COPY![/button] The book is FREE from October 1-5 on Kindle. JOIN…

  • Work That Matters

    Do for One

    I have a friend who runs an awesome for-profit business. Another friend heads a life transforming nonprofit. A third friend is leading a social entrepreneurial cafe. I wish I could have each of their jobs. I have Vision ADD. It is not possible for me to run a small business, a nonprofit, a cafe and all the other ventures I want to do. I know this. However, I still dream and I still get really excited about the vision of these organizations and these individuals. Do you ever have this problem? Do you ever struggle with Vision ADD, wanting to go in a million different ways all at once? Do…

  • Work That Matters

    Idea Addict Superpower

    Being an Idea Addict can be overwhelming. The constant flood of ideas is both exhilarating and extremely stressful. You feel like you need to record every idea and do something with it. Unfortunately, there are too many to move forward with and actually execute. In your daily life, it is overwhelming. To think of creating only one business seems impossible. So you fumble through trying to go in a million different directions at once. The solution is not to stop being an Idea Addict. There are a lot of things you could be addicted to in life and I think ideas are one of the best choices of addiction. Ideas help…

  • Work That Matters

    New Book and Facebook Launch Group

    Wow! It is almost here. I am so excited to introduce you to my first book Vision ADD: From Ideas to Work That Matters. Launch Date: October 1st, 2016 If you are interested in joining my Launch Team, I would be honored. You can request to join the Facebook Group here. As a member of the team, in exchange for your help with launch, you will get access to some limited resources and gifts. Thank you to all who are helping to make this happen! Join The Launch Team Now!

  • Work That Matters

    Work Happens: Where Do You Go From Here?

    As I write these words, a friend of mine has just lost their job. The emotions and stress are overwhelming. The future seems blurry. Perhaps you have lost your job. Or maybe you own your own business, but, due to circumstances out of your control, you are at a crossroads. The future is unclear. Maybe you are working hard at your current job, but you hate it. Or perhaps, despite generally feeling good about it, you know things are about to blow up. As a business owner or employee, many times you have no influence over the changes that come your way. You work hard. You do a good job.…

  • Work That Matters

    Step 1 For Your Next Career Decision

    Whether you are looking to start a business or look for a new job, there is something you need to do first. No, do not go online looking for jobs in your area or career field. No, do not start the random business a friend has been trying to get you to look at for several years. The first step is to look inward. When you begin by looking in at yourself, you can better make decisions on where to go next. More importantly, you will know where not to go next. Here are seven questions to ask yourself. There are others, but these will get you started well. 1)…

  • Work That Matters

    5 Realizations I’ve Had While Writing My First Book

    Whoa! It has been 2 months since I started writing my book. This is why I have posted nothing on the blog recently. Please forgive me. During this journey I have come to several realizations I’d like to share with you. Maybe these can encourage you whether you are writing a book or doing some other big project for the first time. 1) Writing the book is a very small part of the process. Especially with this being my first run at writing and publishing, there is a lot of technology and other roadblocks. I am pushing through though and will be launching in the near future. 2) Done is…

  • Work That Matters,  Idea Addicts

    10 Idea Addict Hacks

    As Idea Addicts, we have to learn how to best function with this gift. Otherwise, we will find ourselves in a frenzied state. Do not let your ideas paralyze you. Here are some hacks you might find helpful. #1 An Umbrella No, not a physical umbrella. An “umbrella” is a covering that gives you structure but also gives you freedom. It allows you to ideate to create new things but all within a structure that is moving in a particular direction. In my case, as a coach, speaker, writer, I have the ability to try many new ideas, but I keep them under my business umbrella. #2 Margin to Ideate…

  • Work That Matters

    Mixing Spirituality, Lifestyle and Income

    Earlier this year I attended the One World Everybody Eats Conference in Denver Colorado. I went with two others from Crescent City Cafe, along with 50 plus other people interested (or already doing) the pay-what-you-can cafe model. If you have not heard of this, it is exactly what it sounds like. If you can pay for your meal, you do. If you cannot, you do not. Many of these cafes give the option of you giving your time. One of the speakers, Robert Egger, talked about how times are changing. He spoke about the desire now among people to mix spirituality, lifestyle and income. As soon as he said it, I thought, “Yes!”…

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