Idea Addicts

A Belief That Will Change Your Life

What I’m about to tell you is really important.

If you believe what I’m about to tell you, it will change your life, and the lives of everyone you care about.

In the event that you choose to not believe this truth, the negative impact on you and everyone you know and love, will be devastating.

The truth I’m about to share with you has the potential to impact all your beliefs, your actions, your inaction, your lifestyle choices, your response to good and bad circumstances. This belief will determine the choices you make and the types choices you encourage others to make.

This will influence how you love others.

It will determine what type of relationship you have with God.

If you believe what I’m about to tell you, it could change your family tree. Generations of poor choices could be forever changed to multiple generations of great choices.

The communities you live and work in will never be the same if you embrace this truth. Your home, your work, the places you play and church all will feel different to you (and others) if you choose to believe this truth.

Also, the good news is that you get to decide whether you will believe this truth. Your decision to not believe it, does not make it untrue, but it will negatively influence you.

Your decision to believe the truth does not make it true. It is already true. However, this decision has a lasting impact on all who embrace it.

What is this truth? It is very simple.

You matter.

You are not here by chance. You are no mistake. The poor decisions you have made do not change this. The things done to you do not change this.

You matter.

You feeling like you do not matter, does not change it. You do matter.

In the lives of those you see daily, weekly and monthly… In your home… In your work… You matter.

If you choose to believe this, the result will be all-encompassing.

You matter.

Choose to believe it today. See how this truth changes everything for you. Assume it is true, because it is.

You matter.

God made you and God does not make mistakes.

You matter.

Hey, I’m Adam Suter. This is my personal blog. I am married to the love of my life, Michelle, and have three wonderful children. We live in Marietta, GA. I run a small nonprofit. Some of the things that fascinate me are faith, new ideas, people, stories, productivity, nonprofits, and my own children.


  • Sr. Mary Joseph Suter

    Thank you for your Post. I printed it and keep it on my mirror to remind me. I also sent it to a friend who is experiencing some difficulty right now.

    Pat Sue

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