Idea Addicts

Leadership: Micromanagement vs. Multiplication

In leadership, there are two ends of a spectrum. On the one end is micromanagement. On the other is multiplication. Both have their place.

Micromanagement receives a lot of negative press. However, it has its place. Particularly for short bursts it can be helpful. Rarely is it a good longterm strategy for leadership, though. It leaves the leader trapped doing someone else’s job and the led person without any ownership.

Multiplication is ideal. When a leader can eventually give complete ownership of a task or job, everyone benefits. The organization grows. The leader is freed to do what only she can do. The employee is given a boost of purpose for his future work.

If you do not let go as a leader, you are in danger of micromanaging. Letting go too soon is equally as detrimental. It is called abandonment. Multiplication is not abandonment. 

In the past, I have felt as a leader and as an employee that micromanagement and multiplication are strengths of mine. I just struggled in the in between time where it was not time to let go, but no longer acceptable to micromanage. Call it the teen years.

Now, I have learned that much of leadership is found in between micromanagement and multiplication. Abandonment is not acceptable. We must continue to let go, while still developing as individuals, as we strive for multiplication.

The road to multiplication is a hard one. It takes times. This is a road worth traveling, for your organization, your leader and your employee. What is the next step you can take towards multiplication?


Hey, I’m Adam Suter. This is my personal blog. I am married to the love of my life, Michelle, and have three wonderful children. We live in Marietta, GA. I run a small nonprofit. Some of the things that fascinate me are faith, new ideas, people, stories, productivity, nonprofits, and my own children.

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