Work That Matters

Homeschool: Raising Readers

One of the best things we can do as parents is to plant in our kids a love for reading. After all, reading is foundational for all other types of education. It is the building block on which everything else is built.

Two things, before we continue. First, learning to read is not the same thing as loving to read or identifying as a Reader. I have known how to read for decades but only recently became a Reader.

Second, no, you do not have to homeschool to raise Readers. Our family loves homeschooling, but it is not for everyone. This is fine. However, since you are homeschooling right now, it might be the perfect time to take significant steps forward in this area of your life.

One more thing, we need a definition for being a Reader. I’m no professional, but we will make it simple. A Reader is someone who loves to read and makes reading a regular priority in their life. With that, let us begin.

5 Steps to Raising Readers

  1. Become a Reader Yourself – If mommy and daddy are Readers, it lays the groundwork for everyone else in the home to become Readers.
  2. Limit Distractions (especially screens) – My kids love fruit. They even like vegetables (more than I did as a kid). Do you know what they love more? Candy. This is okay. It is normal. However, we must remember if we give them the option between candy and fruits (or vegetables), they will choose candy every single time. So we limit the amount and frequency of candy as an option for them. It’s the same with reading. If a screen is available, any kind of screen, they will choose the screen every time. So limit, however you want to do it, access to screens.
  3. Read Aloud – Read to your children. Even once they know how to read, and even love reading, continue reading to your kids. This stokes the fire of passion for reading like nothing else. It is also awesome for your relationship with your kids.
  4. Read Jim Trelease’s Read-Aloud Handbook – If need help with raising Readers…if you want statistical evidence for the value of raising Readers…if you want to become a Reader yourself, read this book! It has been foundational in changing my perspective on reading and helping us to raise Readers in our house.
  5. Read – If you are not a Reader yet, and you are still reading this post, you probably have some hangups on this subject. The best advice I was given was that the way to become a Reader is to read. “I don’t like reading.” “I’m a slow reader.” “Reading is boring.” These were part of my vocabulary too…for decades. The best way to eliminate these roadblocks is to read.

Again, anyone can raise Readers. While you are spending extra time with your kids for the next month (or more), why not make this a priority? It could change the course of your kids’ lives.

For those that are already raising Readers, what tips do you have? Please share below.

Hey, I’m Adam Suter. This is my personal blog. I am married to the love of my life, Michelle, and have three wonderful children. We live in Marietta, GA. I run a small nonprofit. Some of the things that fascinate me are faith, new ideas, people, stories, productivity, nonprofits, and my own children.

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