• Idea Addicts


    A bit of advice a friend gave me. Don’t say “I don’t have time for ___________.” Say, “____________ is not a priority for me right now.” To that I would like to add, that it is okay to not have everything be a priority. You cannot do it all. Choose a priority and stick with it.

  • Listening to Jesus

    What Are Your Thoughts on Lent?

    Guy 1: I am giving up watching football for Lent. Guy 2: You can’t give up football. The season is over. (Awkward silence as Guy 1 thinks.) Guy 1: I’m giving up watching sports for Lent.  Guy 2: Wow! That is awesome! (Guy 1 smiles and leaves the conversation.) Guy 2 turns to Guy 1’s spouse and asks: What other sports does he watch.  Spouse 1: Just football.    I do not have very strong feelings about Lent. I did not grow up participating in it and have rarely been in a church that did much with it. I do not think it is a bad tradition. I believe God asks us to give things up and do things…

  • Work That Matters

    Find Your One Thing

    In a world that tells us we can have it all, do it all, achieve it all, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Especially as you look at creating work that matters. At the beginning, it is particularly difficult to pick a direction (or two). I call it Vision ADD. You have multiple gifts, multiple directions you could go. You may have even started working on a couple. You are overwhelmed. You feel like you are spinning multiple plates and you know you can’t keep it up. In his book Intentional Living by John Maxwell, he says, I believe everybody has one thing they do better than anything else. The…

  • Work That Matters

    Calling All Idea Addicts

    Hello Friends, Family and Blog Readers, I need your help. I’m working on making some changes to my blog. I want to get a little more specific in who reads my blog and who I help with my coaching. Audience I’m moving toward my audience being people who, like me, are idea addicts. These particular Idea Addicts believe they can combine making a difference, starting a business and living out their faith. My coaching page will move from focusing on 4 types of people with interests in starting a New Business, a Nonprofit, a Venture or a Legacy, to one person, an Idea Addict starting a business. I will phrase it more…

  • Work That Matters

    “I Can’t Help It!” Increasing Willpower in Your Kids and You

    Another parent and I were talking about one of their children’s lack of willpower. He mentioned the child’s willingness to obey, but lack of ability to resist certain things. Willpower. It is hard for kids, but isn’t it also hard for adults. Whether you are 5 or 55, willpower is not only a struggle, it not only influences your life, it determines the direction your journey takes. You ability to self-select out of a particular situation, habit or desire has a tremendous lasting impact on who you are and who you will become. Whether you or I have a strong sense of willpower or weak, we would do good to…

  • Work That Matters

    One World Everybody Eats: Day 2 & 3

    This has been an incredible conference. Best Day Ever! On Day 2, the OWEE Team took us to Seeds Community Cafe and SAME Cafe. These are both pay-what-you-can restaurants here in Colorado. It was amazing to see the great work they are doing and to be inspired as we expand the Crescent City Cafe. Also, our team had a fantastic dinner getting to know some new friends. Priceless! Fundraising! Day 3 of the conference is about to start. Going to be learning about Fundraising for the pay-what-you-can model. Yay! I love fundraising! No, I am not being sarcastic. I really enjoy partnering, asking others to partner, and seeing partnerships form for…

  • Work That Matters

    One World Everybody Eats: Day 1

    Yesterday at the OWEE Conference was awesome! Excited about expanding Crescent City Cafe in New Orleans to a pay-what-you-can cafe. Learning a ton and meeting some amazing people from all walks of life. Our speakers from yesterday were amazing! We heard from: Lyn Harwell from Seeds Community Cafe Melinda Foster from Open Table Community Cafe Rochelle Bayless from Grace Cafe Robert Egger from LA Kitchen Thank you for your inspiration and extremely practical advice. Are you here at the OWEE Conference? What has been particularly inspiring or helpful to you so far? Please share in the comments or on social media.

  • Work That Matters

    Intentional Creativity

    “What does that mean?” You are probably thinking, “You either are creative or you are not.” Or, if you are an artistic type, perhaps you would say, “You can’t manufacture creativity. It comes and goes.” I would like to push back to both of you. Here are two things I believe about creativity: 1) We are all creative. 2) Your environment determines your ability to create…and you decide on your environment. I could go on and flush these out a little more. Let’s stop here though and see what you think. Which of these two ideas is most difficult for you to believe? Please share in the comments section or…

  • Idea Addicts

    New Year’s Resolutions Are So Overwhelming!

    Happy New Year! Hope your 2015 was a good one. I am looking forward to seeing what the next 12 months holds. So, I don’t know about you, but New Year’s Resolutions are pretty overwhelming to me. There is so much talk in January about self-improvement. My brain cannot handle all the ideas…all the pressure! It gets complicated by the fact that I know 90% of it is talk and there is no real change going to occur. That is frustrating and it makes me want to hyperventilate just thinking about it. Take a deep breath.  Okay take 3. I have grabbed some of the great free resources that have come…

  • Idea Addicts

    2016: Yes You Can!

    I like sweets. I mean, I like sweets a lot. Okay…I love sweets! For the past decade plus, however, I have been gaining about 2-3 lbs a year. It doesn’t sound like much at first. But think about it? It does not lead in a good direction. Great news! In 2015, I did not gain weight! In fact, I even lost a few pounds. How did I do it? Well, it wasn’t by going to the gym because I don’t have time for that. (Okay, I decide to spend my time in other ways…like writing blog posts at 5:00 am.) I cut desserts from my diet! I know, it sounds…

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