• Idea Addicts

    Tips For Getting Focused

    Evernote is my favorite productivity tool. Recently, Emily Esposito shared a post on the Evernote Blog titled, “4 Ways to Stay Focused and Get Stuff Done.” It is a wonderful post with content new to me. Hope you find it helpful too. Which of her tips are you going to try?

  • Idea Addicts

    Healthy Habit: Embrace Boredom

    This may be the most still our world has ever been. Some people are busier, sure, but many are finding they have more margin in their lives, more calm. Some might call this boredom. If you have kids, you may even be finding this to be a huge problem. You are trying to figure out how to keep your kids from being bored out of their minds. This reminds me of a book I read a few years ago. The friend who recommended it said he “no longer has time for good books. He only has time for great books and this is a great book!” I found his statement…

  • Idea Addicts

    Healthy Habit: Sleep

    You need to sleep. You need to sleep well. You need to sleep well regularly. You would think this is not something I would need someone to tell me. Turns out it was, and is still, a message I need to hear. When the worldwide lockdown began, I was two weeks into a 4 week sleep class. I’ve had some “minor” issues sleeping for a couple years now. Still figuring it out though. Trying to do all the right stuff but still not where I need to be. Here are some things relevant to everyone wanting to have good sleep hygiene: Consistent Sleep and Wake Up Time – We need…

  • Idea Addicts

    Healthy Habits: Stay Active

    One of the best things we can do when working and schooling from home is to stay active. Exercise has an enormous amount of benefits for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves. Really! If you are new to working or schooling at home, it can be very disorienting. In some ways, you have more time than before. However, it seems to slip away somehow. Getting into a steady rhythm can seem impossible. Exercise can help! If you don’t know where to start, check out these free videos for adults and kids put out by the YMCA. What are you doing to stay active while at home?

  • Idea Addicts

    Healthy Habits: Working from Home Rhythm

    For most of my career, I’ve worked from home. Some people can’t imagine working from home, but I love it! In general, I find there are two kinds of people, those who thrive working from home and those who thrive in an office setting where they travel to a building, have set hours and a boss. Well, now almost all of us are working from home. I thought maybe you could use some encouragement as you continue on this journey. Our family also homeschools. So if you are getting that double blessing, I know how it goes. One of the best things you can do to be productive while working…

  • Idea Addicts

    Coronavirus 4: A Better Response

    It is said that you cannot choose what happens in life. You can only choose how to respond. The temptation when interruptions, inconveniences and tragedies strike is to spiral downward. This is one choice. We can choose to think negatively. We can be afraid. Or we can go in the other direction. We can choose to think positively. We can choose a more productive route. The one question that helps me gain momentum in the path of good is when I ask myself… What does this make possible? This is one of my favorite questions. As a coach, it is the most important question for me to ask, in most…

  • Idea Addicts

    Coronavirus 2: Essential and Extra

    One of the side-effects of the current lockdown is that a lot of things have been removed from my life. Some of these things I miss. Some I do not. Some I don’t even notice they are gone. This has caused me to look at what is truly important in life. I’m asking myself, “What is essential?” and “What is extra?” Essential are all the things, people, opportunities I really want. They are the things that are a priority for me. However, often they are not urgent, so they drop to the wayside. Extra are all the other things that are not essential. They are not bad…or good. They are…

  • Idea Addicts

    Coronavirus 1: Decide to Change Forever

    As we continue our second (for some their third) week on lockdown, life has been turned upside down by the coronavirus. Your world has been completely interrupted. You just want it to all be over. It is still unclear when normal life will return, however. So, what do we do? How do we plan? How do we move on? The coronavirus has done something unique in the history of the world. Never before has every nation on the planet been captivated by the same thing at the same time. This is truly amazing. During this continued interruption into our lives, the temptation is to want life back to normal. There…

  • Idea Addicts

    Plan a Quarterly Offsite

    Can you believe it? The first quarter is almost over. How are you doing with your New Years Resolutions? That is okay. I do not do well with those either. This is why I do a Quarterly Offsite to refocus, rest and set goals. Now is a great time to plan your Quarterly Offsite. If possible, get away for a night. Spend some time evaluating the previous quarter. Then focus on the next one. What do you want to accomplish? Who is going to be a priority for you? What is really important? Do not forget to have fun, rest and relax as well. The goal should be for your…

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